Addison acquires a majority stake in The Group

WPP announces that its wholly-owned company Addison Corporate Marketing Limited, the corporate communications agency, has acquired a majority stake in Emaxol Limited, the holding company of IR Group Limited, the UK’s leading online corporate communications agency.

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WPP's Kantar Buys Minority Stake In SecondSync

WPP announces that Kantar, has acquired a minority stake in SecondSync Limited, an early-stage social TV business focusing on analysis of social media conversations around TV broadcasts to provide audience insights that can be used for media planning and audience research and commissioning.

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WPP’s Kantar Buys Minority Stake In SecondSync

WPP announces that Kantar, has acquired a minority stake in SecondSync Limited, an early-stage social TV business focusing on analysis of social media conversations around TV broadcasts to provide audience insights that can be used for media planning and audience research and commissioning.

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