Reed Elsevier invests in Martini Media

Martini Media, a San Francisco-based digital advertising firm that specializes in reaching affluent people, has raised $14 million in venture capital from prior investors Venrock, Granite Ventures, Reed Elsevier Ventures and Silicon Valley Bank.

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Addison acquires a majority stake in The Group

WPP announces that its wholly-owned company Addison Corporate Marketing Limited, the corporate communications agency, has acquired a majority stake in Emaxol Limited, the holding company of IR Group Limited, the UK’s leading online corporate communications agency.

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STM publisher Elsevier has acquired Woodhead Publishing

Elsevier, a provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, has acquired Woodhead Publishing Limited, a UK-based publishing company publishing in the areas of food science, technology and nutrition; materials and engineering; textile technology; energy and environmental technology; finance, commodities and investment; and mathematics.

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Acquisition of Compliance Week

Wilmington Group plc, the provider of Information, Compliance and Education to professional markets announces the acquisition of the trading assets and certain liabilities of Compliance Week (RNS Extract)

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WPP's Kantar Buys Minority Stake In SecondSync

WPP announces that Kantar, has acquired a minority stake in SecondSync Limited, an early-stage social TV business focusing on analysis of social media conversations around TV broadcasts to provide audience insights that can be used for media planning and audience research and commissioning.

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WPP’s Kantar Buys Minority Stake In SecondSync

WPP announces that Kantar, has acquired a minority stake in SecondSync Limited, an early-stage social TV business focusing on analysis of social media conversations around TV broadcasts to provide audience insights that can be used for media planning and audience research and commissioning.

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