Press Release: Cello Group plc (AIM: CLL; “Cello”, the “Group” or the “Company), the healthcare focused strategic marketing group, is pleased to announce that it has raised £15.0 million (before expenses) by way of a placing of 15,463,919 new ordinary shares of 10 pence each (the “Placing Shares”) at a price of £0.97 per ordinary share (the “Placing”). The Placing, which was oversubscribed, has received strong support from both new and existing institutional shareholder. The Placing proceeds will in part be used to finance the acquisition of the assets of Defined Healthcare Research, Inc. and Cancer Progress, LLC (“Defined Health”), a business delivering scientific strategic advisory services to a wide range of US, European and global biotech and healthcare clients (the “Acquisition”). The proposed initial consideration for the Acquisition is US$5.75 million