Hachette to sell books through Twitter

Hachette Book Group will start selling books straight from tweets, though it can’t be labeled more than an experiment for now: The publisher has partnered with digital distributor Gumroad to sell three gifty print books “for a limited time and in limited quantities” via the books’ authors’ tweets. For the full story read GIGAOM

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ITE is down but far from out

Judging by the share price, you’d assume exhibition organiser ITE was in crisis. In fact it’s just reported a record (adjusted) profit. The company is weathering a geopolitical storm, but it’s faced challenges like this before

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UK Is The Fastest-Growing ‘Mature’ Ad Market

Advertising spending in measured media in the U.K. is expected to show a 6.3% increase this year, the fastest growth of any major, mature consumer economy, and well ahead of the 4% global ad investment growth expected for 2014, according to a new forecast by WPP’s GroupM

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