6 ways for magazines to build their future

Almost 300 years ago, a posh Brit called Edward Cave published the world’s first magazine. Last week, 300 metres from the London birthplace of The Gentleman’s Magazine, Cave’s 21st century successors were whipping themselves into a frenzy of enthusiasm that belied industry statistics of falling revenue, profit and readership

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Medical Journals Serve as Big Pharma Drug-Marketing Platform: Study

The value of medical journals in providing physicians, researchers and other medical professionals an honest glimpse of the latest relevant, peer-reviewed medical science has greatly diminished in recent years. An extensive review published in the journal PLOS Medicine shows that medical journals today serve as little more than marketing platforms for pharmaceutical companies to push their drugs with little in the r the way of unbiased science

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Newsquest acquires Romanes Media Group

Newsquest Media Group, one of the leading regional media groups in the UK, announced today that it has acquired Romanes Media Group, for an undisclosed sum. Romanes is a local news publishing business operating in Scotland, Berkshire and Northern Ireland. The Romanes newspaper portfolio comprises one daily, 19 weekly paid-fors and nine weekly frees, and […]

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Facebook strikes deal with media groups

Nine media organisations, including the BBC, through its youth-oriented Newsbeat service, the Guardian and the New York Times, have struck a deal with Facebook to publish some of their content directly through the social network rather than simply hosting it on their own sites as part of a trial.

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Time has acquired FanSided, a sports, entertainment and lifestyle digital network

FanSided’s unique fan-focused editorial voice, very popular mobile app and personalized digital newsletter are behind FanSided’s rapidly growing popularity among millennial sports and entertainment fans. FanSided’s community of 1,500+ contributors will deepen Sports Illustrated’s local sports coverage and add more weight to the brand’s new customization platform, which is set to launch later this year.

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