Why Ad Tech Is the Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Advertising

The problem our industry faces with ad tech is a lot like the issue with gun control. Guns are great tools. They are very useful if you want to shoot a deer or protect your home. But with almost no regulations — and a whole lot of bad guys out there who would ignore them even if they existed — we wind up with a situation where guns are everywhere, from the hands of the ultra-responsible to the dangerously sloppy to the outright criminal.
This is just like the Wild West landscape of advertising technology — and while nobody dies, the consequences to the ad industry have been undeniably egregious.

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Haymarket reports results for year to June 2014

Haymarket, the international media group, has today filed annual accounts showing an 8.7% per cent rise in operating profits to £5.03m (2014: £4.6m) on revenues of £184.3m (2014: £187.0m) in the financial year ending June 30, 2015, amid solid demand in its consumer media, business information and events operations

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Flashes&Flames 2016 predictions: partnerships can change media

It’s a fair bet that 2016 will be the year of ever more ambitious collaborations between traditional media and digital disrupters. We have seen the Alibaba and Jeff Bezos acquisitions of the South China Post and the Washington Post respectively, the Axel Springer buy-out of Business Insider, and legacy media investments in BuzzFeed, Vox, and Vice News. These will surely be followed by a new wave of deals and collaborations. But with a difference

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Running scared: Why are publishers so afraid?

published a piece by our contributor Kevin Anderson titled ‘The collapse of the attention economy’. Its central tenet is that an overabundance of content to which we all have access has led to an unsustainable environment in which scale is all and practically impossible to achieve.

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Peak content: The collapse of the attention economy

For a long time, we’ve been creating too much content, so much so that I think that we’ve already reached Peak Content, the point at which this glut of things to read, watch and listen to becomes completely unsustainable. There hasn’t been enough ad revenue to sustain it for years and, with 2015 ending with a rush of acquisitions, consolidations and funding rounds with eye-watering valuations, 2016 will mark the beginning of a shake out.

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Next 15 welcomes ODD to the Group

In a press release Next 15 said it was tremendously excited to announce that Next 15 has acquired ODD, a London-based digital agency that specialises in consumer-facing communications for fashion and lifestyle brands

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Clarion to acquire iGaming Business from Electric Word

Electric Word plc today announces that it has conditionally agreed to sell its indirect 70 per cent. shareholding in iGaming Business Limited, to Clarion Events Limited, a global events business with a portfolio of event and media businesses across a range of vertical markets. The Sale values the whole of iGB on a cash free debt free basis at £19.7 million. The holder of the remaining iGB Shares, Michael Caselli, has also agreed to sell 5.1 per cent. of the issued iGB Shares and will retain the balance

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Time Inc launches The Field & Country Fair

Time Inc UK – home to country and sporting titles The Field, Shooting Gazette, Shooting Times, Sporting Gun, Country Life and Horse & Hound – further expands its portfolio of events with the launch of the Field & Country Fair, celebrating the British countryside and field sports.

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