Future confirms acquisition of Noble House Media

Future used their Half Year trading update to confirm the acquisition of Noble House Media, a multi-platform publisher specialising in the tech sector. Noble House publish consumer mobile magazine, Mobile Choice, as well as trade magazines Wireless and Mobile, and complementing websites

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Intermediate Capital gatecrashes Argus Media auction

Sky News has learnt that ICG (LSE: 138026.L – news) – also known as Intermediate Capital Group – has tabled an offer to buy a sizeable stake in Argus, which is one of the UK’s biggest privately owned companies. ICG, which provides private debt, credit and equity across a range of industries, is an unexpected interloper into what has become one of the City’s most hotly contested auctions so far this year

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Bob Hoffman on marketing “Digital Delusions”

Extract from In Publishings coverage of News Works last month written by Ray Snoddy: Bob Hoffman, a contrarian ad blogger and former advertising agency owner in San Francisco, attacked, what he called, the delusions of his industry, some causing considerable damage to traditional media. Hoffman, author of Marketers are from Mars, Consumers are from New […]

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Can newspapers do anything to stop the advertising exodus?

In August last year a consortium of Britain’s leading national newspaper publishers launched an advertising campaign to draw attention to the merits of their titles as platforms for advertising. It was an unprecedented initiative. The very fact that six highly competitive rivals were willing to bury their hatchets showed the depth of the problem. They […]

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Richard Desmond sells his adult TV channels

Richard Desmond has sold his adult TV business, including the Television X and Red Hot channels, severing his last link with the adult entertainment industry that helped the Daily Express and Daily Star owner make his fortune. Desmond’s company, Northern & Shell, announced on Friday it had sold its adult broadcasting arm, Portland Television, in […]

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Next 15 acquires Twogether Creative

In a press release Next 15, the digital communications group, announced the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of Twogether Creative Limited (“Twogether”), a B2B creative and digital marketing agency with a focus on technology clients. Clients include multinational technology groups such as Brocade, Intuit, Symantec, Veritas, Lenovo and Zebra Technologies. It also has a proprietary Software as a Service (“SaaS”) offering in partnermarketing.com, which is used for channel marketing

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Euromoney disposes of its energy publishing business

In a press release Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC (“Euromoney”), the international online information and events group, today announced that it has entered into an agreement to sell its energy publishing businesses, Gulf Publishing Company (“Gulf”) in Houston and the Petroleum Economist in London, to a consortium led by Gulf’s CEO, John Royall and media investor Russell Denson, for a cash consideration of $18 million. Euromoney has owned Petroleum Economist since 1989 and Gulf since 2001. The transaction is expected to close on April 30, 2016

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Messe Frankfurt India announces acquisition of IEE Expo

In a press release Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt Ltd, the Indian subsidiary of the global trade fair organiser Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH has announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire the International Elevator and Escalator Expo from Virgo Communications and Exhibitions. With a well-timed launch of Electrical Building Technology show scheduled this year, the acquisition is expected to further broaden Messe Frankfurt’s participation in the building technology sector, taking the number of events organised by the Indian subsidiary to 20

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WPP acquires healthcare media agency, CMI, in the US

WPP said it has acquired U.S. media agency Communications Media Inc, and plans to use the company as a media investment management hub. WPP said it will integrate the media unit of its health communications experts company Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide into the newly acquired CMI, and then plans to use CMI as a media investment hub for GroupH, which is the parent company for WPP’s healthcare specialist companies

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Wilmington acquires Evantage Consulting

Wilmington plc (“Wilmington” or “the Group”), the knowledge leader in Risk & Compliance, Finance, Legal, and Insight, announces the acquisition of Evantage Consulting Ltd (“Evantage” or “the business”), a leading UK-based provider of specialist Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Analytics solutions

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