Authors should back Amazon in the battle with Hachette

A group of leading authors, including Donna Tartt, Stephen King and Malcolm Gladwell, has attempted to intervene in the dispute between publisher Hachette and retailing behemoth Amazon. Observers of the music industry are familiar with this tactic; prominent musicians are persuaded that the interests of music publishers are aligned with their own. The reality is very different.

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Do Huntsworth and Engine Group intend to merge?

As Huntsworth’s half-year results were looming last week, and as the share price continued to flatline, one suspected the group would pull yet another rabbit from its top hat; few predicted that rabbit would be Lord Chadlington himself. For the full story read PR Week

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Puzzler Media launches two new titles

On 6th August they launch a new puzzle-based education magazine aimed at KS2 level (7-11 year old) children. Puzzle Club is a 64-page magazine that supports learning in the core subjects of the National Curriculum, especially English, Mathematics and Science. It has been developed in conjunction with the world’s leading learning company, Pearson.

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SkyJack launches Hot Cars Magazine

Aimed at boys aged ten to 18, Hot Cars Magazine will be packed full of cars, cars and even more cars! Featuring facts, stats and information about the world’s great cars, every issue of the 52-page magazine will look at some of the most popular car marques around

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